Kudos to our writers
Each year, we enter a selection of our writers’ original stories in the journalism competitions of the National Mature Media Awards and the North American Mature Publishers Association (NAMPA). We do this for two reasons: One, as a way to be sure we are keeping up the quality of our writing compared with other publications throughout the country. Two, because we’re pretty... READ MORE
Head in the clouds
It used to be, if you said someone “had his head in the clouds,” you meant his mind was elsewhere; he wasn’t paying attention. Nowadays, when people speak of “the cloud,” they are talking about computers, websites, software and digital storage that are maintained elsewhere, but available for us to use through the Internet. This amalgam of cloud services has become the place... READ MORE
Not to be missed
Who will be the lucky winner of a 10-day vacation for two to China? One lucky attendee at the 2016 Beacon 50+Expos, that’s who! For the 17th year in a row, the Beacon Newspapers expects to attract thousands of area residents to its two free 50+Expos — annual events featuring great speakers, health screenings, informative resources, technology education, and entertainment geared to ... READ MORE
A matter of taste
Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to perceive. Yes, I know. That last word, if I was truly quoting Sir Walter Scott, should be “deceive.” That was my topic last month — how the practice of lying is so central to socializing among humans. But this month, I’m talking about perception, which evidently (or should I say, apparently?) weaves no less tangled a... READ MORE
Nothing but the truth?
Generally, we profess to love the truth and to admire people who only speak the truth. We tend to parody or disparage those “congenital liars” we believe to be frequently engaged in falsification, calling them used car dealers, spin doctors, Madison Avenue types. But if we are honest with ourselves, we should admit that much of the time we shade the truth, and that we like it when... READ MORE
Healthcare headache
Every year, it seems, I meet more people who suffer from migraines, as I do. But even if you’re not one of the 29 million or so Americans who experience these enormously painful headaches, please keep reading, as I hope you’ll learn something that might prove helpful to you all the same.I experienced my first migraines 36 years ago, shortly after I moved to Washington, D.C. I... READ MORE
A healthy mind…
While I’ve long been interested in mental health issues, and the Beacon has always covered these topics and the latest research, in recent years I’ve gained a deeper sensitivity through some interactions with people close to me.The combination of new information and a growing awareness are starting to help me understand present — and even past — experiences in a new... READ MORE
Political musings
If you’ve picked up your copy of the Beacon this month at any of our 300+ sites throughout Baltimore County, you will find inside a Voters’ Guide to the Primary Election, prepared by the League of Women Voters of Baltimore County.We feel honored to have been chosen to publish this important League product, and encourage you to read it, especially if you live and vote in... READ MORE
Discover what’s next
A recent survey of older adults in the area found that more than 40 percent expect to work full or part time after turning 65. Many want to work to stay active and engaged, but a significant percentage also say they’ll need to work because their savings and investments are insufficient (especially with the stock market as volatile as it is now). There are local services, as we’ve... READ MORE
Out of pocket, Part II
Last month, I wrote about rising prescription drug costs, and made the point that a considerable portion of the cost of new drug development is borne by taxpayers (from the U.S. and other developed nations).I also noted that many drugs, including some of the newest “breakthrough” drugs, are available in other countries for a small fraction of the cost charged U.S. patients and... READ MORE