How to plant a container like the pros do

By Jessica Damiano
Posted on July 07, 2023

Have you ever gone to the grocery store for, say, milk, and left with a cartful of impulse buys? Well, I visited a couple of nurseries last week in search of one specific plant and left with nearly everything except that plant, which both retailers had sold out. As usual, I was seduced by the colorful, pre-planted annual containers on display, and hemmed and hawed about whether I should... READ MORE

A reverse mortgage can help pay for care

By Kate Ashford
Posted on July 06, 2023

Someone turning 65 has nearly a 7-in-10 chance of needing long-term care in the future, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and many don’t have the savings to manage the cost of assisted living. But they may have a mortgage-free home and the equity in it, giving them the potential option of a reverse mortgage to help cover care costs. Here’s how to... READ MORE

For cleaner air, go electric with lawn care

By Harry Campbell, Doug Myers & Joseph Wood, Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Posted on June 29, 2023

If you use a gas-powered lawn mower, there’s a good chance that maintaining your lawn is worse for the environment than your morning commute. In some cases, far worse. Running a typical gas mower for one hour creates roughly the same amount of smog-forming air pollution as driving a passenger car 300 miles, according to the California Air Resources Board. For some gas-powered leaf... READ MORE

Sensible ways to tackle a home remodel

By Annie Millerbernd
Posted on June 27, 2023

Spring and summer are kickoff season for many kitchen remodels, bathroom updates and deck repairs. But recent economic turmoil may have homeowners questioning their home improvement plans. Spending on home renovations is expected to slow this year because of factors such as declining home sales and values, rising interest rates, continuing inflation and rumblings of a coming recession,... READ MORE

Quick cash for your home? Not so fast!

By Better Business Bureau
Posted on June 26, 2023

The real estate market is hot, and, for those who own a home, you may have received offers or seen advertisements promising to buy it quickly and for cash. Selling a home is time-consuming, and the promise of a quick close is tempting. However, it’s important to understand the difference between selling your home to a traditional buyer and making a deal with a home investor, sometimes... READ MORE

Downsizing a big home is not for sissies

By Lynne Vance
Posted on June 20, 2023

How many towels do I use in a week? How many pots and pans do I really need? I never had to ask these questions until I faced the daunting task of downsizing from my five-bedroom, 3,000-square-foot house to a 1,071-square-foot apartment. The decision to downsize from the home I’d lived in for 57 years, where I’d raised my two children, was agonizing. But when an apartment became... READ MORE

‘Home care’ differs from ‘home healthcare’

By Kayla Carney,
Posted on April 25, 2023

"Home care” and “home healthcare” are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they are very different in what they offer. Learn what senior care services each provides to determine the best fit for your needs. Types of home care services The first step in hiring in-home care services is identifying the differences in a caregiver’s duties and responsibilities between... READ MORE

Products that can make gardening easier

By Kimberly Blaker
Posted on April 21, 2023

Gardening offers many excellent mental and physical health benefits. First, it’s a healthy form of exercise. At the same time, it boosts your emotional health when you spend time outdoors while tending to your plants’ needs as they grow. Unfortunately, all the bending, extending, kneeling, lifting and other tasks gardening requires can become painful or difficult. If you find... READ MORE

Affordable ways to improve curb appeal

By Family Features
Posted on April 13, 2023

Your home’s first big impression is its curb appeal, so if your place is in need of sprucing up, you may wonder how you can make some updates without breaking the bank. These 10 ideas are easy on budgets, but they can also make a big impact on your home’s exterior image. Paint your front door. As long as your front door is in good condition, there’s no need to replace it... READ MORE

Consider co-buying a house with friends

By Abby Badach Doyle
Posted on April 10, 2023

Seven years ago, Phil Levin and his girlfriend, Kristen Berman, pondered a common question: Should we move in together? Levin assumed they’d take a predictable path and find a more affordable apartment outside of pricey San Francisco. But Berman, a behavioral scientist, shared her reservations about leaving their friend network — and some facts to back up her concern. “All the... READ MORE