Claim all the tax breaks you’re entitled to

By Carole Feldman
Posted on February 22, 2017

Donald Trump’s acknowledgement last fall that he had not paid federal income tax in years left some questioning why they should have to pay taxes.“I think you pay taxes because it’s the right thing to do,” National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson said. online pharmacy buy clomid no insurance with best prices today in the USA But that doesn’t mean you don’t... READ MORE

Children may have to pay for parents’ care

By Eleanor Laise
Posted on February 09, 2017

When an older adult racks up unpaid long-term-care bills, who’s responsible for paying the debt?In a growing number of cases, adult children are being held legally responsible for their parents’ nursing-home or other care expenses. The reason: More than half of U.S. states have “filial responsibility” laws obligating adult children to financially support their... READ MORE

Expanding tax credits for aging in place

By Beacon
Posted on February 01, 2017

Howard County Executive Allan H. Kittleman has proposed a bill that would expand a tax credit to help residents who are adapting their homes to “age in place.” The expansion of the preexisting Livable Homes Tax Credit is in response to recommendations from the county’s Commission on Aging.Unlike deductions or exemptions, which reduce the amount of income subject to tax,... READ MORE

Securities hotline protects you from fraud

By Elliot Raphaelson
Posted on January 25, 2017

It’s no secret that many people reach retirement with a nest egg inadequate to last the rest of their expected life. Many will be looking for investments with above-average rates of return.But higher returns requires assuming higher risk. This can make retirees especially vulnerable to fraud. online pharmacy zithromax over the counter with best prices today in the USA Studies have... READ MORE

When your kid is a financial train wreck

By Liz Weston
Posted on January 16, 2017

Financial planners and credit counselors see plenty of examples: The grown son who lost a job, moved home and stopped looking for work. The daughter who constantly mismanaged her checking account — and turned to payday lenders when parents stopped covering her overdrafts. The father working into his 70s to support spendthrift children in their 40s and 50s.Kristi Sullivan, a certified... READ MORE

County warns residents of utilities scam

By Beacon
Posted on January 06, 2017

As colder temperatures begin to blow in across the region, Howard County’s Office of Consumer Protection is warning residents to be on the lookout for calls from individuals posing as representatives of local utility companies demanding immediate payment for service. buy elavil online elavil online no prescription This warning follows an alert issued by the Federal Communications... READ MORE

What you’ll pay for Medicare next year

By Jim Miller
Posted on December 27, 2016

Dear Savvy Senior,  buy stromectol online no prescription I know there won’t be much of a cost-of-living increase in Social Security benefits next year, but what about Medicare? buy albuterol online... READ MORE

Use price match to always get sale price

By Courtney Jespersen
Posted on December 19, 2016

Kevin Brasler recalls barraging an obliging salesperson with questions about car seat safety when he was a concerned new parent.Before they checked out, Brasler and his wife found the seat they were considering for $50 less on Amazon. But they were so invested in their in-store experience that they bought from the salesperson anyway. buy prednisone online prednisone online no prescription ... READ MORE

Reducing the risk of outliving your assets

By Mark Cortazzo
Posted on December 07, 2016

The markets may have recently hit a new all-time high, but if you retired in 2000, you may have already run out of money. Surprisingly, it’s a completely different story if you retired just a few years earlier or a few years later.The timing of when someone retires can have a profound effect on the performance of their accounts. Sequence risk, also known as sequence-of-returns risk,... READ MORE

Volatility in a mutual fund lowers gains

By Reid Johnson
Posted on November 28, 2016

Mutual funds are the cornerstone of many investors’ portfolios. With thousands of mutual funds in the U.S. alone, choosing the right one for your retirement plan can be complicated.Consider this real-life example (names have been changed, of course, to protect confidentiality): Bob and Sally walked into my office looking for advice about mutual funds. They had narrowed their choices... READ MORE