Vaccines are more important as we age

By Vatsal Shah
Posted on August 15, 2019

Q: I’m over 50. What vaccines do I need? A: The risk of acquiring certain diseases, such as shingles, pneumonia and flu, increases with age. Flu is also a big reason for hospitalizations in patients over 50 years old. Therefore, vaccines for flu and shingles are recommended for everyone aged 50 and older, while vaccines for pneumonia are recommended for those 65 and... READ MORE

Your smartphone can help with meds

By Wylie Crane
Posted on July 18, 2019

Q: It’s hard for me to keep up with my daily medication routine, and I sometimes forget a dose. Are there any tools or technology out there that I can use to help? A: If you have trouble remembering to take the right medicine at the right time, you’re not alone. Taking medications as prescribed, also known as medication adherence, is a common problem for many people. According to ... READ MORE

Prepare your first aid kit for summer

By Michael Ong
Posted on June 14, 2019

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Red Cross both recommend that every household have a first aid kit. Now that summer is here, take a look at yours to see if you have what you need for common summer problems. Q: What should I include in my first aid kit for outdoor injuries? A: We recommend: — Saline solution to clean wounds — Neomycin or Bacitracin ... READ MORE

Diet and exercise help manage diabetes

By Aafaq Tariq
Posted on May 21, 2019

Q: I don’t know why my diabetes is out of control — I cut out soda and cake! I walk around my house; shouldn’t that be good enough for exercise? A: Diabetes can be complicated to manage. Medications can be difficult to understand, and knowing what to eat and how to exercise can be confusing. Unfortunately, there is no universal plan because everyone’s lifestyle and health are... READ MORE

Palliative care is different from hospice

By Jessica Roller, R.N.
Posted on March 21, 2019

Q: My friend has bad kidneys and has to start dialysis. She said she also wants to get palliative care, but I told her that’s only for people who are dying! She doesn’t believe me; can you explain it to her? A: It sounds like you are mistaking palliative care with hospice care, and you aren’t alone. Palliative care and hospice, or end-of-life, care are commonly thought to be the... READ MORE

Prevent and alleviate gas and bloating

By Gihun Kim
Posted on February 22, 2019

Q: I’ve been feeling very gassy and bloated lately. Is there something I can do to prevent or treat this feeling? A: The feeling of being “gassy” or bloated is common for many adults. It can happen after a large meal, or seemingly without reason. Stomach gas is formed as a normal part of the digestive process. But there could be other reasons for feeling like you have extra gas. ... READ MORE

Keep glaucoma from hurting your vision

By Laura Hsu
Posted on January 17, 2019

Q: My friend recently was diagnosed with glaucoma. Is glaucoma treatable? Am I at risk for it? A: Glaucoma is a disease of the eye that causes damage to the optic nerve. The optic nerve connects the eye to the brain to help you see. Glaucoma usually occurs when there is extra fluid in your eye that causes pressure to increase, damaging the optic nerve and affecting vision permanently, ... READ MORE

Can you spot early Alzheimer’s disease?

By David Lee
Posted on November 21, 2018

Q: I heard November is Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month, and I want to learn more about the disease. How do I know if I have it, and is there anything I can do to keep myself from getting it? A: Alzheimer’s disease is a condition that affects the brain and can cause a decline in memory and other mental functions. It is the most common form of dementia. It is considered a... READ MORE

Ways to avoid hospital-related infections

By Christian Ruiz
Posted on October 22, 2018

Q: I’m getting a procedure done at the hospital soon, and I’m afraid of getting an infection while I’m there. Is there anything I can do? A: Infections you can develop while inside hospitals or other medical settings — including doctors’ offices, rehab facilities or nursing homes — are called healthcare-associated infections, or HAIs. They could come from germs that enter... READ MORE

Simple steps to build stronger bones

By Kayla Sheets
Posted on September 17, 2018

Q: Osteoporosis is fairly common in my family. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening to me? I don’t want to have a fall and break a bone. A: Bones are made of living tissue that is constantly being remodeled. Some bone cells build up new bone material, while others dissolve and remove old material. Osteoporosis occurs when bones lose more mass than they... READ MORE