Maine transports travelers back in time

By Glenda C. Booth
Posted on June 06, 2023

On a summer stay in Boothbay Harbor, Maine, I decided to go to a concert at the local opera house. When I picked up my tickets at the box office, the agent opened a plastic box, grabbed a batch of tickets bound with a rubber band and handed me my paper tickets. No Internet, no password, no clicking, no online headaches. The whole experience took two minutes. Such is Maine. Longing for ... READ MORE

To search appropriate hotels, use filters

By Ed Perkins
Posted on May 31, 2023

When you search for a hotel online, most of you these days have a few deal-breaker requirements. For me, it’s an elevator — I’m an old geezer and don’t do stairs very well. But it can range from a kitchen to being pet-friendly. You can save time and hassle if you can limit your search to hotels that meet your needs, without cluttering up your response list with places that... READ MORE

Powwows sustain indigenous cultures

By Glenda C. Booth
Posted on May 18, 2023

Six men nestled close together in a circle, drumming in a steady, rhythmic beat as others sang along in Native American languages. Drumming like this is central to every powwow, or Native American gathering, providing a mesmerizing live soundtrack. “The drum is our heartbeat,” said Powhatan Red Cloud-Owen, a member of Virginia’s Chickahominy Tribe, who attended a powwow last... READ MORE

Make time for wild adventures in Alaska

By Glenda C. Booth
Posted on May 03, 2023

As our travel group hiked on a lupine-lined trail in Alaska, the guide called out, “Here bear, here bear,” every minute or so, advising us to make some noise and not surprise Ursus arctos, the Alaska grizzly. Soon we spotted a dark brown mound shrouded in the bushes about six car lengths away — a bear’s head. Out came the guide’s bear spray. We didn’t need it; our... READ MORE

How to avoid illness traveling outside U.S.

By Raj Palraj, M.D.
Posted on April 18, 2023

Dear Mayo Clinic: I have a group of friends with whom I love to travel. We plan several trips a year, and we are planning to visit the Caribbean next. We will stay at an all-inclusive resort in a popular destination and do a few sightseeing day trips in the area. Are there things we should do to be safe while traveling? A: Travel is always a fun activity to enjoy with friends. In ... READ MORE

Nearby, off-the-beaten-path B&Bs to try

By Alice Shapin
Posted on April 14, 2023

There are times I need to get away but don’t want to spend weeks planning a trip or having to fly. I just want a change of scenery, good food and some interesting activities. A quick getaway, maybe a day or two, is all I need. So, I decided to look into B&Bs within a couple hours’ drive of our area. The fun thing about B&Bs is that no two are alike. And even within one... READ MORE

Avoid foreign exchange gouges abroad

By Ed Perkins
Posted on April 13, 2023

Since at least Biblical times, money changers have been gouging foreign visitors exchanging their currency for local shekels. Fortunately, if you’re going outside the U.S. this summer, you can avoid most of the gouge. Unless you’re a currency speculator, you’ll almost always lose a little in exchanging your dollars for whatever. That’s because the actual cost of exchanging... READ MORE

Three-generation travel adventure to Italy         

By Ann Cochran
Posted on April 03, 2023

Our lovely two-bedroom apartment in a Tuscan villa is all warm yellows and muted shades of rose. Vineyards and olive groves surround the villa, stretching far into the hills. Through the large windows, we can see the pool sparkling and, in another direction, the terrace where our family gathers for breakfast. Our eight grandchildren often run across the driveway and up the steps from... READ MORE

What to expect traveling to Europe now

By Ed Perkins
Posted on March 23, 2023

If you’re planning a trip to Europe this year, you’re not alone: Industry mavens are projecting a big year for transatlantic travel. For the most part, traveling to and within Europe is easy, but you need to know a bit before you leave. Paperwork: Western Europe does not require any advance paperwork for visitors who aren’t looking for a job and plan to stay less than three... READ MORE

Coming to appreciate Europe’s great art

By Rick Steves
Posted on March 15, 2023

To see great art is a joy. And to see it, while traveling, “in situ” — both physically (where it was meant to be seen) and historically (to understand the context in which it was made) — makes the experience richer yet. I haven’t always loved art history. As a teenager, I struggled doggedly through Kenneth Clark’s epic art series, Civilisation. “Brilliant work,” I... READ MORE