Sea-to-table in a small Colombian town

By Martha Steger
Posted on September 26, 2023

Colombia’s capital city of Bogotá, situated on a plateau in the Andes Mountains, merits a visit for its fabulous museums — the Gold Museum and the Botero Museum most notable among them. Its distinct neighborhoods and upscale market lie within a cooler climate than Cartagena, which travelers consider more of a party city. Sitting on the Caribbean coast with a tropical climate,... READ MORE

Time traveling in Colonial Williamsburg

By Alice Shapin
Posted on September 12, 2023

My husband Paul and I have loved Williamsburg, Virginia, ever since we brought our two kids here more than 25 years ago. After all, it has something for those of every age, whether you’re traveling with children, as a couple or solo. And you can choose to stay in a five-star, four-star or budget hotel. Best of all, there are so many activities in the area: an indoor-outdoor museum... READ MORE

Enjoying an ‘untour’ to historic Scotland

By Victor Block
Posted on September 06, 2023

In 1093, the monarch of Scotland directed a group of men to race up a steep hill. The winner would become his royal messenger. From that kingly contest evolved what today is known as the Highland Games. During a recent visit to Scotland, my wife Fyllis and I watched in awe and admiration as burly men wearing colorful tartan kilts competed in throwing logs called cabers, tossing heavy... READ MORE

How to save money on booking a cruise

By Ellen Kennedy
Posted on August 14, 2023

Booking a cruise for a family vacation or romantic getaway? Cruises can be a great way for extended families to enjoy time together, as they offer activities for kids, adults and seniors. And if you book a cruise strategically with travel rewards credit cards or cash back cards, you can save money and get extra perks for your trip. Kiplinger editors have found three methods for saving ... READ MORE

Cape May harks back to Victorian days

By Victor Block
Posted on August 07, 2023

After strolling along a lovely stretch of Atlantic Ocean beach that fronts Cape May, New Jersey, my wife Fyllis and I decided to check out some of the town’s other attractions. We dropped by the towering lighthouse, which has beamed warnings to ships since 1859. We visited a World War II lookout tower built to help aim coastal artillery at German submarines that ventured too close to... READ MORE

Mexico’s exclusive resorts near Cancún

By Alice Shapin
Posted on August 03, 2023

Years ago, my future husband Paul and I traveled to Cozumel and loved it. More than three decades later, we were ready for another Mexican vacation. But where? After some research, we found two attractive, secure resorts near Cancún on the Yucatán Peninsula, very close to Cozumel. As it turns out, Cancún is America’s favorite destination in all of Mexico. We chose two resorts:... READ MORE

Tours for traveling with grandchildren

By Jim Miller
Posted on July 11, 2023

Dear Savvy Senior,    My husband and I are interested in taking our two grandkids on a big trip this summer and are looking for some good ideas. Can you recommend some travel companies that offer special travel packages for grandparents and grandkids? —Doting Grandmother Dear Doting, Grandparents traveling with just their grandchildren has become a growing segment of the... READ MORE

A stroll through LA’s historic downtown

By Don Mankin
Posted on July 06, 2023

Despite Los Angeles’ reputation to the contrary, the city does have a walkable downtown. In fact, it’s a surprising mix of old and new, classic and modern, with a smorgasbord of places to eat and drink. This past June, I spent a day with my wife and several friends strolling through the city’s history and present, exploring its ethnic, architectural and gustatory diversity. Our... READ MORE

How to travel reasonably, if not cheaply

By Ed Perkins
Posted on June 16, 2023

I get tired of articles I read about how to “save money” on travel. “Saving” money means putting it into an IRA or a CD or a kids’ college fund. This year, you’re going to spend money on travel — lots of money, given the near-universal inflation. What you want to do is spend it most efficiently — to get the most bang for the buck. And that doesn’t mean squeezing a... READ MORE

A classy cruise down the ol’ Mississippi

By Victor Block
Posted on June 09, 2023

When my wife Fyllis and I first saw the ship that would be our home for a week, we were impressed. Our room — a spacious outside stateroom with private balcony — rivaled those in many upscale hotels. The food and table settings in the ship’s dining room were both five-star, with a welcome all-inclusive policy (so that second dessert and adult beverage are “free”). But we... READ MORE